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Administrative Districts

    * *  
    * Administrative Districts *
    * Area: 346164 square km
    * No of Village:12 villages
    * No. of Neighborhood: 276 Neighborhoods
    * Male: 15526 people
    * Female:15216 people
    * Population: 30742people
    * Household:9017 household
    * Traffic *
    * Driving
    * Take Gangshan Provincial Highway and head towards Alian, enter via Chenggong Road in Gangshan Town, turn on Taishang Road and then Jiasing Road to Alian city central, roughly 15 minutes by car.

    Get off at Lujhu interchange of National Highway No.1 and head towards Alian, the city center can be reached in 5 minutes

    * Get off at Tianliao interchange at National Highway No.3 and head towards Alian, the city center can be reached in 3 minutes
    * By Train
    * High Speed Railway: Take off at Tainan station, and it takes about 8-10 minutes to Alian Town
    google map
    * *

